Thursday, September 16, 2010

Newspaper Sketches

///////////////////Sunday, pouring rain + a day full of non-happenings > lets cut up the newspaper.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Museum Project Drawings

Final year project (06) sectional drawings, exploring scales + contrasts between experiences/spaces.
It lead to an architectural interest in the layering of 'collective' spaces for the MArch thesis (2007).

K. RD derives

'Derive' drawings - exploring K. Rd through the act of 'drifting': A Situationist International approach to map and examine potential sites for investigation in my drawing/design thesis (2008).  They are mix-media works inco-operating collage, photography, pen and pencil. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Old Work

These works are produced within photoshop utilising hand made scans mixed with vector graphics. 

Four More Ruins

Created as part of my masters thesis. They each represent a biblical feminine figure falling into decay. 

Sublime Ruin

These are a from a series of five that were created to explore the connection between hand made and digital forms of drawing. 

Art + Architecture Project

710mmx495mm, mixed media collage, "Ponsonby Road", 2005
These drawings are my elective projects from the last couple of years at the architecture school.  I used elective papers to generate works for an annual art + architecture competition - Hence the competition themes for both works: "Ponsonby Road" and "Harbour Bridge".

I was very much interested in developing various traces from photographs and contrasted with hand crafted effects such as pencil, watercolour and spray painting etc.  

1990mmx705mm, "Harbour Bridge", 2006

Flight / Folding

Test designs for a future work. Have become a little obsessed photographing and filming birds this year.